Asad sisters guru gossip. They run mosques and madrassas, they have families, they have other careers. Asad sisters guru gossip

They run mosques and madrassas, they have families, they have other careersAsad sisters guru gossip  Amanda puts her relationship with her sisters well above her brand new husband it’s wild

Most people, even if they aren’t plus size, are. He’s turning 32, my friends in London went to Uni with him. Yeah it's nice to see your family but a grown up woman needing to go back to them every month is weird. She's not showing him because he's short and ugly and she knows everyone is going to drag her for it. The moustache is not nice at all. People can be modest without covering their head. Yeah hard agree. Posts: 65. Med school and residency is at minimum 7 and up to 12 years of huge loans and little to no pay, grueling hours and moving around. Marah is pretty, she just doesn’t know how to dress herself ever since her body shape changed due to pregnancy & putting on the hijab. gossipgirly111. There are also more general threads for Pakistani Influencers, Bengali Influencers etc where posters can post about different personalities who don’t have enoughThe Asad Sisters - Wifed and No Life: Part 6 - Page 25 - Guru Gossip. Their audience is white and arab women and very few black women. This post is a catch-all for. Page 15 of 15. Her and the Asad trio are just plain boring. Topics Posts Last post; NEWS If you are having any issues please visit Support You must provide. It's also not as if she's living with her in laws working her fingers to the bone and wants time off. Re: The Asad Sisters - Forever Beige: Part 5 Post by hoipolloi » Mon Feb 27, 2023 11:49 pm I think the prettiest Lauren has looked in my memory is in the video from a few years back where Leena did the hijab style on her. Posters: This thread is for the Asad Sisters. Your arrogance regarding hijab makes you much less modest. Thu Jun 01, 2023 1:39 pm. Amelia Liana. She’s gonna initiate that breakup if it ever comes to be and then she’ll remarry a white bland guy. 21. I absolutely hate they dynamic between mohamed and Amanda. I think Baba Asad was just so happy they wanted to marry Muslim guys that he jumped at the chance. Prophet Muhammad S. Leena just wants to give her child a white washed name. Re: With Love, Leena: Part 2. THAT is "Muslim representation", Asad twits, not Loren modelling a sheer dress at a freaking makeup event. Joined: Fri Oct 31, 2014 2:14 pm. This is why I can’t see myself ever being close friends with a niqabi, they’re the most arrogant women I’ve ever met. . Very very sad! Last edited by Dollskay on Wed May 10, 2023 9:57 pm, edited 1 time in total. Re: Beige, Bland & Boring - The Asad Sisters: Part 8 Post by smolb3rry95 » Sat Jun 24, 2023 10:57 pm also her house looks like a fricken sepia filter. So Leena couldn’t bear to be away from Alaina to complete ummrah but can go to Cabo for a baby moon. Three married Muslim women, one a mother and pregnant, rapping to a song with profane lyrics (look up the rest of them) in order to gain TikTok views so they can shill more crappy products and make more money. Wash face with Noxema 3. This place exists so people can talk without being blocked by the Asad Sisters. They’re gonna make everyone look like an old granny from the Victorian age. The Asad Sisters Ad blocker detected: Our website is made possible by displaying online advertisements to our visitors. smolb3rry95. by allforthegram » Thu May 11, 2023 7:38 am. This is the dress leenas planning on wearing at lorens wedding. Re: Beige, Bland & Boring - The Asad Sisters: Part 8. She wears cheap Amazon clothes. Also, in a recent vlog, she was saying that she was shocked you actually have to go out and buy food and take care of yourself. Re: Beige, Bland & Boring - The Asad Sisters: Part 8. Loren wore the splotchy dress that Amanda modeled in her TikTok to the Snoubar wedding they went to this weekend. Mohammed will not leave Amanda. He seems more outgoing and more adventurous while Amanda is a super rigid and super shy person. Re: The Asad Sisters - Forever Beige: Part 5. Re: The Bland Clan: The Asad Sisters - Part 7. They run mosques and madrassas, they have families, they have other careers. Discussions on YouTube Beauty Gurus, Influencers, Vloggers and Personalities. It was sold on August 19th, 2022 for 672,410$. I can imagine all of her friends laughing at her and Loren crying into her (plaid) pillow because of the mean girls. For Amanda, it was getting married and just using the dishwasher non stop. by amazondupe » Fri Feb 24, 2023 3:05 am. Sun Apr 30, 2023 12:38 am. Leena dumps Alaina with her grandparents every chance she gets. There are rules that everyone follows when posting here. by PastelQueen » Fri Jun 16, 2023 9:19 pm. The Asad Sisters Ad blocker detected: Our website is made possible by displaying online advertisements to our visitors. She looks like Kim K around the mouth and lips when she smiles as its so so tight. She isn't some villager who hasn't had contact with them for the last 5 years. Even Amanda and Leena have husbands who aren't hideous and are average height. Naming your kids names like Amanda, Loren, Alaina, Jonah, or. I cannot even FATHOM how Mohammad can be attracted to her. Isn’t sent things by high end brands. Because Leena’s content pays the bills, for his flying lessons, and his oversized truck. leena insta story, about over doing her self clean, play with alaina and over working herself. We know you’re hiding him because he dresses like a hookah bar owner who just got to America at a wedding, but it’s you’re fault for picking a man with no taste and a backbone. Re: Beige, Bland & Boring - The Asad Sisters: Part 8 Post by Toshinori7 » Sat Jun 17, 2023 10:52 pm Wow look at this old video of Marah from February of 2021. by jilwang818 » Fri Jun 02, 2023 4:06 pm. The Asad Sisters Ad blocker detected: Our website is made possible by displaying online advertisements to our visitors. I have to make specific time to go to the gym after work and only twice a week because I’m so time poor. amazondupe. If anyone should feel resentful it’s them. I’m sure she put her foot down about this cabin. by allforthegram » Mon Mar 13, 2023 8:34 pm. Amanda and Mohamed are a horrible match. Joined: Mon Mar 27, 2023 6:19 pm. San Antonio is cheaper than Dallas, so they could get more house for their money. Thu Apr 20, 2023 1:26 am. by yayme clapclap » Tue Mar 21, 2023 9:00 am. This makes me uncomfy… his gf resembles Loren a little too much…. That being said, Jonah Omar Snoubar is a mouthful. Wed Mar 15, 2023 5:11 am. 2) making sure to tell ur audience that ur breaking ur fast by urself. I’m dying at Amanda’s tiktok surprising MOhAWmed for his birthday. yes of course but muslim arab men are like the CEO's of leaving their long time non arab girlfriends to go settle down with an arab one. They both use their old parents to be full time unpaid nannies. Re: Beige, Bland & Boring - The Asad Sisters: Part 8 Post by detect37 » Tue Jun 27, 2023 8:06 pm Leena’s recent IG story where she showed the screenshot of their family chat with Jonah wearing a bow you can tell it’s Omar holding the baby. 2. And she seems genuinely popular in her friend group. Re: With Love, Leena: Part 3. Even after talking about the Lord. Oh and let’s not forget that when she got engaged to her last fiancé, she was 19 and he was almost 30. Re: Beige, Bland & Boring - The Asad Sisters: Part 8 Post by Flowers2005 » Mon Jun 19, 2023 7:58 pm I, as a Christian will never name my children Muslim names or forms/spellings of muslim names. Loren, just because you don’t have curves, boobs or a butt doesn’t mean skin tight = modest. When you have a Muslim kid who is white passing and has a white/Jewish/American sounding name, it’s going to be much easier to do that and not claim your Muslim heritage. Leena and Omar organically fell in love over the years. Their latest TikTok of them trying to act hip and young while doing exaggerated rapper hand movements was so funny to me. My eyes are going to roll out of my head with Lauren and her "skin care goals" for her wedding. The Asads need to read the room and focus more on making their men happy and less on making social media content. There's not one muslim person I follow on socials from imams, muslim bloggers who hasn't posted about the 5 muslim girls killed in MN. I find the fact that Amanda flies home when it only takes 5 1/2 hours to drive incredibly wasteful. A. I just can’t image Loren being a mom, shes never had a single responsibility in her life. that chandelier is wild and not in a good way. Lied to cover for plastic surgery recovery time. Last post Re: Amelia Liana Part 10 Wal…. It is 3 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms , 3,074 square feet. by orbitsalad » Thu Jun 29, 2023 2:25 pm. Hey Tar, I have a few questions. Re: The Bland Clan: The Asad Sisters - Part 7 Post by PastelQueen » Wed May 31, 2023 3:42 pm Someone asked her about privacy with all those huge windows and glass front doors and she said "oh, we're going to figure out some kind of shades for the back windows, don't know about the door yet, haha". The Asad sisters have perfected it to cover up the fact that they don’t have personalities. Guru Gossip. . Last edited by PastelQueen on Sun Jul 02, 2023 9:45 pm, edited 1 time in total. It’s giving drunk Alabama sorority girl lol. She is such a vain idiot. There’s already a page for her, Google Yasamine Durali guru gossip. I understand that I am very late to the game on her. by smolb3rry95 » Wed Apr 05, 2023 4:16 pm. Go back and look at the pictures, when they were young. Everyone has their own room and privacy. With Loren I don't really buy the whole religious thing tbh, girl seems to love the worldly things a lot and I don't blame her one bit. Quick links. Nov 21, 2022, 2:52 PM UTC high flow catalytic converter vs straight pipe tucson. Re: The Bland Clan: The Asad Sisters - Part 7. Re: With Love, Leena: Part 2. Someone here wrote that Loren didn't have the pressure to continue her relationship; these girls pretty much have all the freedom in the. The Asad Sisters Ad blocker detected: Our website is made possible by displaying online advertisements to our visitors. Re: The Asad Sisters - Wifed and No Life: Part 6 Post by Toshinori7 » Wed Apr 12, 2023 5:12 am I’m not Muslim so idk if hijab is mandatory or not , however there is something mandatory in my religion… it just gives me the ick seeing Loren say that modern Muslim women no longer wear the hijab. Re: The Bland Clan: The Asad Sisters - Part 7. The sisters are so fussy with their food choices and barely eats the. You’re so dumb. by detect37 » Sat Jun 10, 2023 6:47 pm. Even her “nicer” outfits most of them are androgynous and. Different if someone is 30 and their husband is 40. by Mustbeuniqke » Tue May 02, 2023 11:58 pm. Re: Sloppy Fits & Duck Lips - The Asad Sisters: Part 9. Omar is the one who wanted Alaina to have boundaries like sleeping in her own bed and room. by Mustbeuniqke » Sat Apr 29, 2023 7:49 pm. by Frootsalad » Sun Jun 04, 2023 12:33 am. They have no spark. The picture here was from 2021 and it always shocked me that she accepted this partnership. This girl self sabotages and cannot figure out how to make herself look decent. Guru Gossip. Marah is pretty, she just doesn’t know how to dress herself ever since her body shape changed due to pregnancy & putting on the hijab. It was disheartening. ↳ History of Guru Gossip; TRASH A. Joined: Sun Mar 19, 2023 7:45 am. Leena should be. She’s dramatic and her goal is to only get married. 1) crying over burnt food. damn that was so sad. Please consider supporting us by disabling your ad blocker on our website. Discussions on YouTube Beauty Gurus, Influencers, Vloggers and Personalities. Unlike the asad sisters Kishama feels genuine, but I find it sad that she goes so overboard with filler. Also the way Amanda edits her tik toks drive me nuts, the choppy editing style is obnoxious to watch. Re: Beige, Bland & Boring - The Asad Sisters: Part 8 Post by smolb3rry95 » Mon Jun 19, 2023 2:17 pm not going to lie… the name/face reveal of baby J was really sad to me. ↳ The Gurus Against Guru Gossip; ↳ Troll Hall of Fame; GET HELP OR TECHNICAL SUPPORT; ↳ Requests; ↳ Username Changes; ↳ Questions/Help; ↳ Errors; ↳ Tapatalk Errors. by Gossip8787 » Thu Nov 10, 2022 1:34 am. It’s rarely enforced unless someone complains, but nonetheless it’s not legal. Mustbeuniqke. Posts: 70. jpg. Schools of thought have been interpreted by thousands of scholars… you want to go against that and against the concept of making what’s halal haram like the Asad make what’s haram halal you be my guest. Posts: 64. by strangegirl_58 » Thu Apr 20, 2023 11:25 am. Mon Nov 14, 2022 3:30 am. In the vast majority of the US it is against the law to have a cat “at large”. Please consider supporting us by disabling your ad blocker on our website. God allowed men to marry outside the religion but it’s stipulated that the woman has to be pious in her faith. The Asad Sisters Ad blocker detected: Our website is made possible by displaying online advertisements to our visitors. Joined: Thu Sep 15, 2022 3:45 am. And also makes sense why Leena would call him controlling. Re: The Asad Sisters - Wifed and No Life: Part 6. Marriage is extremely significant,. Re: The Bland Clan: The Asad Sisters - Part 7. by Sybil Vane. Re: The Bland Clan: The Asad Sisters - Part 7. And everyone saying Leena ate — — I can’t.