Rest were fine. This ability scales off the higher of your Max Health or Magicka and is capped at 55% of your Max Health. The one you cast first, has higher priority. . Conjure globes of Daedric energy for protection, granting a damage shield for you and your pets that absorbs 5454 damage for 6 seconds. Name: Hardened Ward. 2. The only reason why people QQ about Sorcs is because they have the mobility to. 5 = 450 Weapon/Spell Damage. This Skill belongs to the Sorcerer Class and is located in the Daedric Summoning Skill Line. Prev. Conjured Ward is a Sorcerer active skill in the Daedric Summoning skill line in The Elder Scrolls Online. After you gathered the alliance leaders to lead them to Memorial Hall, the Ascendant Magus has grown tired of the resistance of the defenders that he will try to collapse the castle onto you:A demonstration of the "Hardened Ward" spell and it's effectiveness. I run Empowered Ward + Dampen Magic, because 10s shield is much more timing-forgiving, you practically never run without shield. or Die. • ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – April 19, 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC) - 1:00PM EDT (17:00 UTC) Remove hardened ward . 1k With rest staff equipped my hardened ward is at 6. I am playing ESO since 2 Years and know about any mechanics so please refrain posting L2P etc. But people still complain. Idk what you mean by the morph of ward that grants a shield though the whole skill grants a shield in every version. Since it is stronger, it is better in time crunch moments. For me, the value is low. 1. A good starter Set for Magicka Builds! Armor of the Seducer. Armor of the Seducer is a Crafted Armor Set in ESO. It's wise, to cast harness Magicka after your main shield, so that you make sure to get the 3 Magicka absorb ticks. (Starfall does just over 23k damage per second). • ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – May 9, 3:00AM EDT (7:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC) Sorc Hardened Ward and CP Passives . I was programmed to write posts automatically by u/Woeler. or the timer needs to be raised up to 20-30seconds. level 2. . The magus will be leading a large assault on All Flags Islet in an attempt to kill the alliance leaders. Dev Tracker; Categories; Recent; Unanswered; Sign In. Found in: Sorcerer > Daedric Summoning. Technically hardened ward is the best defensive skill in game. The Ascendant Storm. 4k. Someone posted earlier about the best ESO load screen. Target: Area. ESO-Hub. A good Set for Magicka based Builds. This fits the Magicka. 91) = 112. Hardened Ward isn't the only shield getting nerfed, you'd know that if you could get over yourself. It is the only shield in game to do so. Target: Enemy. • Harness gives flat Magicka Return when absorbing spells, great for Reduced Magicka Cost builds. Hardened Ward has always scaled off your max magicka pool. Conjure globes of Daedric energy to protect you and your summoned creatures. . ago. Likewise, the. However, from that point forward, you just have to add the Q key to your rotation, and you can only take a potion every 60 seconds. I'm still doing ok with my sorcerer after the update but I'd like to put a decent skill where I put my ward because 6 seconds is just ridiculous and 10 isn't much better. Dampen is just as strong as hardened ward - so you can now be sorc with cloak. Empowered Ward. Regarding Hardened Ward (or really any damage shield) do things like Hardy and Spell Shield reduce the amount of damage the shield takes?. Also, Healing Ward is a great oh-shit shield all by itself for magicka builds, if you have other good healing sources like healing jabs, funnel health, etc. Everyone knows the phenomenon of trying to hold your breath underwater - how at first it's alright and you can handle it, and then as it gets closer and closer to the time when you must breathe, how urgent the need becomes, the lust and the hunger to breathe. #8. Bar 1 - Destructive Reach, Hardened Ward, Twilight Matriarch, Clannfear, Inner Light Bar 2 - Healing Springs, Mutagen, Twilight Matriarch, Hardened Ward, Inner Light When swapping from Bar 1 to Bar 2 - Hardened Ward, Matriarch, and. Everything you need to know about how shields scale in ESO. Hey, I've just entered Cyrodiil with my sorc, and even though the hardened ward normally provides me with an almost 10K damage shield, in Cyrodiil it's about half that amount. And due to the diminishing returns there is not a whole lot you can compensate with CP when you are already invested that much into Bastion. Hard Modes are not currently active yet. 5 items: Gain Minor Force at all times, increasing your Critical Damage by 10%. Be sure to think about strengths, weaknesses, counters, and synergies in your discussions. Range: 28m. Conjured Ward. Really, there's nothing wrong with either morph. If you are almost dead, say 10% hp,. Annulment (light armor shield) have 2 morphs: Harness Magicka absorb spell damage and return magicka, and Dampen Magic increase the size of the shield. Personally I use Empowered Ward, because I play sorcerer healer and sorcerer team support is limited in compare to Templar or DK, Empowered brings small Magicka regeneration buff to team but recent changes to Aura make sorcerer support even less desirable, hope they make some good synergy for Sorcerers someday. The best thing a sorc can do offensively is time your burst for the moment a ward expires, and (for utmost efficiency) cc at the last moment of their ward. The Destruction Staff skill-line has active skills that you can activate during combat and passive skills that are always active as long as you have a Destruction Staff weapon slotted. In cyrodil it covers maybe 10% of my health bar. 4320. Server: PC - North America - Daggerfall/Ebonheart. 1. Cast Time: 1 second Target: Enemy Range: 28 meters Cost: 2970 Magicka. Took out all the points on my Pet Sorc and hardened ward is still at the exact same number, capped. For magicka Sorc, Hardened Ward is all around better (stronger shield, cheaper cost) than Dampen. 5%. Like Hurricane (Lightning Form morph), and even to help the DK Tanks, Hardened Armor (Spiked Armor morph) could cost Stamina and cause Physical Damage (or Poison Damage). 0. Thank you for your patience!In ESO make sure to double bar the pet so it doesn’t turn on and off and keep in mind they do die and you’ll need to recast them. 0. [deleted] · 4 yr. Best thing a sorc can do defensively now is main bar one shield and/or 1/2 on the backbar. All I have in the warrior tree is bastion. Hardened Ward. The lower hp they have, the better the shield is. New Effect None: Base Ability Type: Active. He was going to be stam. July 21, 2017. Hardened Ward (Morph of Conjured. However, shields did take an increased nerf in PvP which is why you might be seeing smaller shields. In general I think the bubble/shield mechanic needs reworking, and probably the way sword and board/heavy armor works compared to other weapons needs better. Yes, as mentioned in the title! Nevertheless, thanks for your answer! So with 50k Magicka I thing Hardened Ward is enough for PvP with Healing Ward if needed. Crystal Fragments is a Skill in The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO). Hardened Ward. PC EUHardened Ward having double to duration (12s) and Empowered Ward (20s). One of the two of us definitely has gone mad. Target: Enemy. TrinarUltra. Probably hardened on the front. This ability scales off the. it could take a reduction without killing sorcs, hell even just prevent it from reapplying. ESO-Hub. ESO-Hub. Please vote based on contribution, not opinion. Conjure globes of Daedric energy for protection, granting a damage shield for you and your pets that absorbs 11397 damage for 6 seconds. Edited by eso_lags on June 23, 2018 4:34AM #1 June 2018. The Destruction Staff skill-line is part of the "Weapons" category in the Elder Scrolls Online. This ability scales off the higher of your Max Health or Magicka and is capped at 72 % of your Max Health. Hardened Ward, Dampen Magic and Bastion are now completely useless, because a Magicka Char will generally have enough Magicka to get Empowered Ward and Harness Magicka to the 40% Max Health Cap. Summoned creatures deal 17 – 20% additional damage while the ward holds. Both morphs are used and there is no reason nor need for this change. You would cast (other shield), then healing ward to get the big heal from healing ward. Conjure globes of Daedric energy to protect you and your summoned creatures. Healing or harden ward wouldn't be that bad if people werernt dumping 100points into bastion along with 40k mag and 3k spell damage giving you 15k pve 7k PvP shield stacking on top harness magic 16k pve 8k PvP. Allows a glass mana-cannon to survive in intense situations, and solo content. - Empowered Ward (Conjured Ward morph):. eats through hardened ward. Once you do that, then exit out. Surge+mutagen keeps my health up. Hardened ward does none of these things you claim and I do not know anyone that has a 15k ward in PvP. BUG with Hardened Ward - If the 23 points was placed into Bastion. It is a shame because any points put into HP is a negative for PVP. Hardened Ward. One specific counter in the form of a 5 piece bonus, and a more general counter in the form of high damage attacks such as wrecking blow, surprise attack, crystal frags, teleport strike, snipe, dark flare, vampires bane, dawnbreaker and more. If you have to take a potion for practice do so before the fight starts. Damage shield strength capped at 50% of your Maximum Health. Skill description. No, it really doesn't, other than a few possibly bugged abilities (which I. com. My stats: Health: 22,237 Magicka: 36,594 Damage shields are capped to 60% of max health and they are half the value in PvP settings. Turns out I played stam for about a day. 2 items: Adds 129 Magicka Recovery. Status effects. Based on personal experience. ESO players are so casual actually. It's the interaction between Hardened Ward and Harness Magicka that allows an overlapping, magic refilling, barrier that basically says to magic builds "so I see you specced for dmg, too bad figure something else out. So if you have 2k spell damage you only need 25k max magicka for a full 60% shield on a character with 20k hp. • ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – April 19, 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC) - 1:00PM EDT (17:00 UTC) Sorcs should have a ward with half strength and double the time. Conjured Ward: This ability and its morphs now have a 1-second cast time, previously an instant cast. The skill-line is also often referred to as Destro Staff or Destro. Cost: 4320. Dampen magicka is only strong if you're wearing seven pieces of light. Hardened Ward is a skill in the. Hardened Ward. 1. Like ward says "5000" dmg then it'll be a percentage based off of that. All Magicka Sorcerer builds use Hardened Ward and will continue to do so. If cost remained the same, shield master does not affect Hardened Ward. - Conjured Ward: Reduced the duration of this ability and the Hardened Ward morph to 6 seconds from 20 seconds. use the sorcerer hardened/empowered ward. PC NA ( ^_^ ). He was going to be stam. No. Hmm. Conjured Ward is a skill in the Daedric Summoning skill line under the. If you tried a hardened ward (which scales with magicka) in a stamina build, around how much strength does the ward have? (you can compare with % hp. Overcharged. Call on your staff's strength to protect you or the lowest health ally around you with a damage shield that absorbs 2399 damage. ^ This. Focus all the elemental energies with your staff and blast an enemy for 696 Flame Damage 696 Frost Damage, and 696 Shock Damage. Call on your staff's strength to protect you and the lowest health ally around you with a damage shield that absorbs 2323 damage. 426 + spell damage * 0. com. We still do not know whether battle spirit would affect the 40% condition in PVP, so assuming the condition is applied after the battle spirit and they are still capped at 40%, lets take a look at how they compare against other shields. This has not changed with the new patch. It could be cool in a tanky build mayhaps. Skip to content. The Scribes of Fate DLC and Update 37 base game patch are now available to test on the PTS!Consuming Trap. In PVP, I'll slot Harness Magicka for the extra burst shield. Ultimate: 12: Summons an immobile storm atronach to targeted location for 15 – 18 seconds. "Skills that used mostly in PVP need a nerf, Magicka Sorcerer is very powerful in PVP. 8 Mystic MagSorc. Ward Ally. My problem in that arena was that my shield which is 8. Shield Stacking ""Healing Ward, Harness Magicka, Hardened Ward and then Streak". ESO-Hub. Affected pets deal additional damage. About a week a go I mustered the courage to grind him through the vet . 3 items: Adds 657 Critical Chance.